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Sean Captain


Sean Captain is a Bay Area technology, science, and policy journalist. Follow him on Twitter @SeanCaptain.

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DJI Matrice 300 RTK drone is official: 55-minute flight time, Zenmuse cameras

MoD DJI drones

Stop me if you’ve heard this before. DJI has introduced its latest enterprise powerhouse drone, the DJI Matrice 300 RTK. We learned a lot about the drone earlier this week due to a few huge leaks of specs, features, photos, and videos. But it’s worth looking at the drone again now that it’s official – and an incredible intro video.

African drone competition winners announced

African Drone Forum

To see the future of drones, just visit Africa today. That’s especially true in Rwanda, which is likely the most drone-friendly country in the world. So it was a fitting place to host the African Drone Forum and its public service drone competition earlier this year, before COVID-19 made such gatherings impossible. The winners were just announced this week.

Auterion Skynode is a universal brain for enterprise and government drones

Auterion drone mapping

Auterion wants to make drones a lot more like smartphones—standardized on a common platform as Android devices are. And of course, they want to standardize drones on their platform. To achieve that, the LA-based company is branching from software into hardware, with a new family of drone avionics modules called Auterion Skynode.
